10Cute Animals That Can Kill You
All of us Always Love to see Cute Animals, But This doesn't mean They will Love us, as Well .
hello, In This Episode We're Talking About, 10 Cute Animals
That Can Kill You !
Maybe You've Seen in some videos of the cute panda, trying to move from a tree to another, Or While it's trying to eat bamboo
And your first impression will be that you'll want to play with that cute teddy bear, But, I don't Recommend that you do so .
The Bottle-nose Dolphin
Is the only confirmed creature - apart from human - that can kill with completely no reason, And though it's attacks on humans are rare , it doesn't prevent that there is some confirmed accidents
the Slow loris looks very cute, enough to when you see it you'll pat its back, And it's no wonder if you want it to be your pet
But if this happened , your life will be in real danger
the mute swan is very famous by it's beauty and elegance
and many people think that it's one of the cutest animals in the world, but the mute swan have a dark side that proved it's dangerous
The Southern Cassowary is considered to be the most dangerous bird in the world, and it's an Australian bird that looks pretty cool, though, it's behavior is very dangerous and violent
When sea lion are on the beach they look beautiful
And their smooth skin and friendly face makes any one want to get close to them, and they indeed proved their ability to attract people in any zoo in the world, but they are nearer to be dangerous than being cute
due to this frog's name you may immediately know it's dangerous
and this colorful frogs differ in colors and poison rate, and the most kind you should be aware of is the golden poison dart frog
the puffer fish is one of the cutest fishes in the ocean, it was used in some kids shows like spong-bob and finding Nemo
but that doesn't say it's not lethal, and it's weird that it's more dangerous when it's dead, and served on dinner, in a famous Japanese recipe called "fugu"
and while the puffer fish is alive it contains a toxic compound called "Tetrodotoxin" as a mean of self defense, and just one sting from it will be the last day in your life and also the hardest
That cute creature which it's body looks like a beaver and mouth looks like a duck is called platypus, and it's the only mammal that lays eggs
and while it's a mix of cute animals it's real far from cute
the platypus has a claw in it's back foot that contains enough poison to kill a dog, and this claw is 1.5 cm long
and the poison in it is produced from a gland in the hip
and this poison is used in the fight against other animals
and while it's sting might not be enough to kill an adult person but it's still capable of made him feel severe pain
the Aardvark is a friendly animal ( almost )...etc